RES Luxury Group - 8/22/2023 8:27:27 AM
Understanding Loan Information: What You Need to Know by Ruth Squires - RES Luxury Group of EXP Realty Are you planning to finance a home but unsure about the loan process? Many buyers are unaware of the money needed to buy a house or the different types of lenders available. In addition, terms like PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) can be confusing. In this article, I'll break down these important loan details to help you navigate your options. How Much Money Do You Need to Buy a House? When it comes to buying a house, the amount of money needed varies based on individual circumstances. Here are some key financial aspects to consider: Earnest Money Deposit When you make an offer to purchase a property, it's customary to provide an earnest money deposit. This deposit, usually around 2% of the purchase price, demonstrates your interest and commitment to the seller. However, the deposit amount can range from $500 to $50,000 depending on your situation. Home Inspections...